Beit Sahour USA First Official Meeting

Beit Sahour USA – Michigan Chapter would like to thank you for attending our first General Assembly meeting in such extraordinary time. For those who were not able to attend or chose not to as precaution against the novel Coronavirus, we fully respect your decision and we appreciate you taking these steps to lower the probability of spreading the virus.

Our meeting was very successful as Beit Sahour USA – Michigan Chapter is now official, and the Bylaws are approved. Congratulations!

The Board Of Directors is in the process of being created. Currently there are 19 registered members and the registration will be open until March 31 2020. Those who have the desire to participate and work hard to achieve the organization’s goals are more than welcome to join and become a member.

Thank you again for all your support and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Beit Sahour USA – Michigan Chapter Board Of Directors